Providing internet marketing services for customers is a huge task for a small agency. Larger agencies have dedicated employees on specific tasks whereas a smaller agency will more likely have one person dealing with every aspect of internet marketing for their customer including managing Google ads accounts as well as looking after onsite and offsite SEO.
A smaller agency will probably outsource some of the work including website design, graphic design and content writing whereas a larger agency will more than likely have a dedicated web design team and possibly a couple of copywriters or journalists.
This is where using the right SEO tools, especially for smaller agencies, can save time. Here are a few of the tools that we use.
MOZ – previously called SEO Moz is a great service that has many different tools available to help with local SEO, rank tracking and onsite optimisation of your website.
Majestic SEO – this is a fantastic for looking at what competitors are doing in terms on links.
Lead Forensics – lead generation tool that helps identify people that have visited your website
AHREFs - analyse backlinks pointing to your website or your competitors website
Google Search Console – this is a must for all SEO people. It gives invaluable information about organic search traffic, website errors, internal link structure and much more.
Rank Tracking software – SEO is all about improving rankings on search engines so tracking how customers rankings are progressing is really important. We use ahrefs and SE ranking to track our customers rankings.
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